We’re here to help with all your computing needs...
This Web Site is Dedicated to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and my beloved loving wife Ana Velia, I will see you in heaven!
RDFIG Computer Solutions is a Sole Proprietor entity
designed to assist residential, SOHO and small businesses in
meeting their computing and/or IT needs.
My name is Ruben Figueroa. I have been into computers since made MS DOS v2.11 back in the 90’s
At first it was a genuine hobby and passion for me. However, I was blesssed that I got the
opportunity to create and head the first Computer Department for the Federal Priison in Seagoville,
Texas. I was head of Human Resources for a number of years when I was chosen to head that new
department. I was responsible for the management, direction, training etc. of all staff in learining
new computing skills, learning word processing, database and presentation work. I managed a
Novell Netware network that consisted of over 20 buildings and 100 acres running on fiber optics
between buildings. I was the head of that department from 1990 to my retirement in 2001.
In 2001 I started my little business and my home was my base of operation and it still is. I have kept
my expenses down and by doing so I can pass on much lower prices for labor on any computing needs
that my customers need.