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Message   Nancy Backus    Maurice Kinal   Re: same as it ever was   August 4, 2018
 10:57 PM *  

-=> Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 03-Aug-2018 21:06 <=-

 NB>> Thankfully wildfires are very rare in these parts...

 MK> Quite a few nasty ones just to the north of you in Ontario.  However
 MK> as of yesterday the number of wildfires in the interior of BC jumped
 MK> to over 400.  I did say it could all change at a drop of a hat. 

And it is pretty much the season for wildfires... I have been hearing of
some of the ones in Oregon and other northwestern states, along with
California... We don't hear that much about conditions in Canada... How
far north of me are the ones in Ontario...?  

 NB>> Hopefully they are just being shy, and everything is ok with them

 MK> Agreed.  However I'd feel more at ease if I caught sight of them every
 MK> now and then just to confirm.  This has definetly been the longest
 MK> stretch of no contact since I have been in this neighbourhood. 

Is it worth a hike to the probable vicinity to see if they are still

ttyl       neb

... "I'm living and breathing; it beats the alternative"

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