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Message   Maurice Kinal    Nancy Backus   same as it ever was   July 29, 2018
 3:06 AM *  

Hey Nancy!

 NB> Our county is officially in a drought state

No official word on drought here but it wouldn't surpise anyone if they do make
 the call soon.  As for the interior mainland there are far too many wildfires
going but they are being deemed as the new normal.  Not as bad as last year but
 that could change in the drop of a hat.

Weird but I still haven't seen any of the female quails and their chicks yet. 
Since May I have only seen two lonely looking male quail standing at the side
of the road at different times, one in early June and the second one a couple
weeks later.  Offhand I think all the additional staycationers might be the
reason for the hightened shyness of the quail.  The nearest neighbour claims to
 have heard them in the brambles again but didn't actually see any of them, not
 even a spotter.  This is the first summer I haven't spotted any for this
length of time.

Life is good,

... Cybertoasts of note:
    2019-01-01 is  156 days from now and falls on a Tuesday.
    2024-11-05 is 2291 days from now and falls on a Tuesday.
--- GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-silvermont-linux-gnu)
 * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001)
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