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Message   Daryl Stout    JOE MACKEY   Foods   March 26, 2019
 11:29 AM *  


JM>  I'm perfectly happy with a PB&J sandwich as I am with a big juicy steak.

  I was working a ham radio special event station several years ago,
Skywarn Recognition Day, the first Saturday of December every year. One
ham came on the frequency to make a contact, his callsign suffix was
PBJ. When he said it stood for "peanut butter and jelly", the woman and
her husband (both licensed hams), who were working the HF bands, busted
out in laughter!!

JM>  (In 2000 I was posted at a construction site from 1800-0600, seven days
JM>a week for three months.  The day before Thanksgiving the fella I was
JM>working with said not to bring anything the next day, friends were
JM>bringing us both a turkey dinner with all the trimmings at 1900 hours.  I
JM>know how people are and made a couple of sandwiches just in case.  The
JM>time came and went and no one showed up.  A couple of hours, three hours,
JM>four.  Around midnight he came into the trailer where I was eating
JM>complaining about not getting his dinner.  I asked "Want one of my
JM>sandwiches?" handing him one.  He said "No I don't want one of your d----
JM>peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!" and stormed out slamming the door
JM>behind him.  I nearly fell out of the chair laughing.  The event was
JM>never mentioned again by him).

  Sore loser.

JM>  I saw a video were feminists were asked if the man should always pay
JM>and they all agreed we should.  So much for equality.


JM>  I over heard a conversation once where this woman was complaining how
JM>women should be treated like a man.  A guy asked "why would you want to
JM>lower yourself like that?"  She was not amused.


JM>  Saved yourself a lot of future problems.

  Sure did. My late wife "set the bar" on relationships. Yet, a QWK
Tagline notes "Don't raise the bar. It makes it difficult to get the
drinks". <G>

JM>  I have always said my purpose in life is to be a lesson for others. :)

  OK, I guess one has to do their homework. :P

JM>>    OLX 1.53   Political Season: Does that mean we can shoot them??

JM>   When I lived in Colorado in the '60s, there was a bumper sticker that
JM>had tourists instead of politicians on it.  Folks there loved the money
JM>they bought in but not the tourist themselves.

  Exactly. And, I've seen stories lately where the tourists aren't what
you'd consider as "ideal" in their behavior.


 ■ OLX 1.53 ■ Put it on my Blackberry? I don't even have a pomegranate!
--- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32
 * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33)
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