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Message   NANCY BACKUS    FLAVIO BESSA   Re: OOps   February 6, 2019
 9:59 PM *  

-=> Quoting Flavio Bessa to Mark Lewis on 02-05-19  19:15 <=-

 ml> WX_TALK actually is from fidonet... it was created as a place for
 ml> talking about weather instead of posting in the automated WEATHER echo
 ml> and trying to follow conversations in there...

 FB> Oh, ok then. I found it weird because it wasn't using real
 FB> names.. 

What you saw was some Usenet messages that somehow had been mistakenly
entered into this echo.... fortunately, it only happened one day, so the
person that did it apparently caught it and kept it from repeating...

ttyl       neb

... Never blame the rainbows for the rain.

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
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 * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
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