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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   January 27, 2016
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Wednesday  January 27, 2016.
 This is the 27th day of the year, there are 339 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1772 The "Washington and Jefferson Snowstorm" occurred, when
            each man reported 3 feet of snow at Mount Vernon and
    In 1966 Oswego NY was in the midst of a five day lake effect
            storm which left the town buried under 102 inches of
    In 1967 Residents of Chicago IL began to dig out from a storm
            which produced 23 inches of snow in 29 hours.  The snow
            paralyzed the city and suburbs for days, and business
            losses were enormous.
    In 1987 A powerful storm moving into the western U.S. produced 13
            inches of snow at Daggett Pass NV, and 16 inches in the
            Cascade Mountains of Oregon.  Winds gusted to 63 mph at
            Reno NV, and wind gusts in Oregon exceeded 80 mph.
    In 1988 The nation got a breather from winter storms, however,
            cold arctic air settled into the southeastern U.S.
            Hollywood FL reported a record low reading of 39 degrees.
    In 1989 Low pressure in north central Alaska continued to direct
            air across northern Siberia and the edges of the Arctic
            Circle into the state.  The temperature at Fairbanks
            remained colder than 40 degrees below zero for the eighth
            day in a row.  Lows of 68 below at Galena, 74 below at
            McGrath, and 76 below at Tanana, were new records for the
            date.  Wind chill readings were colder than 100 degrees
            below zero.
    In 1990 Another in a series of cold fronts brought high winds to
            the northwestern U.S., and more heavy snow to some of the
            higher elevations.  The series of vigorous cold fronts
            crossing the area between the 23rd and the 27th of the
            month produced up to 60 inches of snow in the Cascade
            Mountains of Washington State.
    In 2000 After 1078 days without measurable snowfall, Little Rock
            (and Arkansas) finally made up for lost time...getting
            large amounts of snow. I measured 6 inches here in 5 hours.
            The last time Little Rock had measurable snow was Feb. 13,
            1997...nearly 3 years before.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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