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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   January 25, 2016
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Monday  January 25, 2016.
 This is the 25th day of the year, there are 341 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1821 The Hudson River was frozen solid during the midst of the
            coldest winter in forty-one years.  Thousands of persons
            crossed the ice from New York City to New Jersey, and
            refreshment taverns were set up in the middle of the
            river to warm pedestrians.
    In 1837 At 7 PM a display of the Northern Lights danced above
            Burlington VT.  Its light was equal to the full moon.
            Snow and other objects reflecting the light were deeply
            tinged with a blood red hue.  Blue, yellow and white
            streamers were also noted.
    In 1965 Alta UT was in the midst of a storm that left the town
            buried under 105 inches of snow establishing a record for
            the state.
    In 1987 The second major storm in three days hit the Eastern
            Seaboard producing up to 15 inches of snow in Virginia,
            Maryland and Delaware.  Up to 30 inches of snow covered
            the ground in Virginia following the two storms.
    In 1988 High winds created blizzard conditions in the mountains
            of Colorado.  Winds gusted to 109 mph at Echo Lake, and
            a wind gust to 193 mph was reported atop Mount Evans.
            A "nor'easter" moving up the Atlantic Coast spread heavy
            snow from the Carolinas to New England, with up to 16
            inches reported in the Poconos of eastern Pennsylvania.
    In 1989 Bitter cold air, coming down from Alaska, settled over
            the Northern Rockies.  Wilson WY reports a morning low of
            48 degrees below zero.  Thunderstorms produced severe
            weather in the south central U.S.  One thunderstorm in
            north central Texas spawned a tornado which injures three
            persons at Troy.
    In 1990 Low pressure developed explosively over east central
            Missouri and moved into Lower Michigan producing high
            winds and heavy snow across parts of Iowa, Illinois and
            Wisconsin.  Wind gusts to 60 mph and up to a foot of snow
            created near blizzard conditions in southeastern
            Wisconsin and northern Illinois.  Wind gusts in Indiana
            reached 76 mph at Wabash.  Thunderstorms associated with
            the storm produced wind gusts to 54 mph at Fort Madison IA.
            A storm to 948 millibars (about 28.00" mercury) mauled
            Britain with winds to 120 mph.
    In 2003 It was a wild, winter weather week across much of the U.S.,
            with frigid temperatures and winter precipitation. The cold
            weather even reached into south Florida. Some of the
            morning lows during the week included 37 at Miami, FL, 36
            at Hollywood, FL, 33 at Palm Beach, FL, 14 at Atlanta, GA,
            2 at Nashville, TN, and 13 at Little Rock, AR. Snow fell on
            the beaches at Cape Hatteras, NC, Virginia Beach, VA, and
            snow was even seen at Cape Canerval, FL. Wind chills below 0
            were common in many areas, with -60 wind chills keeping
            skiiers off the slopes in New England. (19th-25th).
    In 2004 (25th-26th) Severe Tropical Storm Elita formed in the
            southwest Indian Ocean, and crossed Madagascar 3 times.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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