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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   January 8, 2016
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Friday  January 8, 2016.
 This is the 8th day of the year, there are 358 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1953 A severe icestorm in the northeastern U.S. produced up to
            four inches of ice in Pennsylvania, and two to three inches
            in southeastern New York State.  In southern New England the
            ice coated a layer of snow up to 20 inches deep.  The storm
            resulted in 31 deaths and 2.5 million dollars damage.
    In 1973 A severe icestorm struck Atlanta GA.  The storm paralyzed the
            city closing schools and businesses, and damage from the
            storm was estimated at 25 million dollars. One to four inches
            of ice coated northern Georgia leaving 300,000 persons
            without electricity for up to a week.  Between 7 PM and 9 PM
            on the 7th, 2.27 inches (liquid content) of freezing rain,
            sleet and snow coated Atlanta, as the temperature hovered at
            32 degrees.  (7th-8th)
    In 1987 A winter storm moving out of the Southern Rockies into the
            Central Plains Region produced 14 inches of snow at Red River
            NM, and 17 inches in the Wolf Creek ski area of Colorado.
            Wichita KS was blanketed with seven inches of snow.
    In 1988 A winter storm spread heavy snow across the northeastern
            U.S.,with up to ten inches reported in southern New Jersey.
    In 1989 Strong northwesterly winds and bitterly cold temperatures
            prevailed in the north central U.S.  Winds in the Great Lakes
            Region gusted to 58 mph at Chicago IL, and reached 63 mph at
            Niagara Falls NY.  Squalls in western New York State produced
            20 inches of snow at Barnes Corners and Lowville. Snow
            squalls in Upper Michigan produced 26 inches around Keweenaw.
    In 1990 High winds plagued the northwestern U.S., with the state of
            Oregon hardest hit.  Two persons were killed in Oregon, and
            nine others were injured, and the high winds downed 55
            million board feet of timber, valued at more than twenty
            million dollars. Winds gusted to 90 mph near Pinehurst ID,
            and wind gusts reached 96 mph at Stevenson WA.
    In 2001 It was warmer in Rapid City, South Dakota (record high of 76
            degrees) than in Miami, Florida (afternoon high was only 61

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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