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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   December 24, 2015
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Thursday  December 24, 2015.
 This is the 358th day of the year, there are 7 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1872 Extreme cold gripped the Upper Midwest on Christmas Eve.
            Downtown Chicago reported an all-time record low of 23
            degrees below zero, and Minneapolis MN reached 38 below.
            The afternoon high at Minneapolis was 17 degrees below
    In 1983 The barometric pressure reached 31.42 inches at Miles
            City MT to establish a record for the U.S.  It was the
            coldest Christmas Eve of record.  More than 125 cities
            reported record low temperatures for the date, and all-
            time record lows for December were reported at seventeen
            cities, including Chicago with a low of 25 degrees below
            zero, and Havre MT with a reading of 50 below zero.
    In 1987 A four day seige of heavy rain began in the south central
            U.S.  Flooding claimed four lives and caused millions of
            dollars property damage.  Western Tennessee was drenched
            with up to fourteen inches of rain in two days.  Total
            rainfall exceeded twelve inches around Memphis TN, and
            the heavy rain and subsequent flooding added insult to
            injury to victims of the West Memphis tornado on the 14th
            of the month.  Little Rock AR experienced their wettest
            December day of record with 5.01 inches of rain.  West
            Little Rock reported 10.20 inches of rain in 24 hours.
    In 1988 Early morning thunderstorms developing along a cold front
            spawned a powerful tornado at Franklin TN which killed
            one person, injured seven others, and caused eight
            million dollars damage.  Another in a series of winter
            storms in the western U.S. produced 20 inches of snow at
            Blue Canyon CA in 24 hours.  Bishop CA received 14 inches
            of snow in just six hours, and Redding CA, which normally
            receives three inches of snow per year, was blanketed
            with ten inches. Las Vegas experiences its first
            White Christmas on record.
    In 1989 Fifty-seven cities in the south central and eastern U.S.
            reported record low temperatures for the date, including
            Elkins WV with a reading of 22 degrees below zero.  Key
            West FL equalled their record for December with a morning
            low of 44 degrees.  The high for the date of 45 degrees
            at Miami FL was an all-time record for that location, and
            smashed their previous record for the date by twenty
            degrees, with a low of 33 degrees, matched the next day.
    In 2001 (24th-29th) From one extreme to the other, weatherwise,
            across the globe. Buffalo, New York got the brunt of the
            Lake Effect Snow machine...with some areas getting close
            to 7 feet of snow. Meanwhile, Austrailia was plagued with
            severe wildfires, scorching hundreds of acres, destroying
            many buildings, and approaching Sydney.
    In 2004 An upper level storm system brought snow to south Texas,
            bringing the first white Christmas in 86 years to Victoria.
            San Antonio, Brownsville, and Corpus Christi all got snow,
            which was as much as 13 inches in some areas.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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