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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   December 20, 2015
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Sunday  December 20, 2015.
 This is the 354th day of the year, there are 11 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1836 A famous cold wave occurred in central Illinois.  A cold
            front with 70 mph winds swept through at Noon dropping
            the temperature from 40 degrees to near zero in a matter
            of minutes.  Many settlers froze to death.  Folklore told
            of chickens frozen in their tracks and men frozen to
            saddles.  Ice in streams reportedly froze several inches
            in a few hours.
    In 1942 An early cold wave sends the temperature plunging to
            3 degrees below zero at Nantucket MA, and to 11 degrees
            below zero at Boston MA.
    In 1987 Heavy snow fell in the northern mountains of Colorado,
            with 15 inches reported in the Mary Jane ski area.
            Strong and gusty winds prevailed from the Northern High
            Plains to the Great Lakes.  Winds gusted to 54 mph at
            Buffalo NY, and reached 66 mph at Livingston MT.  Rain,
            freezing rain, sleet and snow fell across New England,
            with up to seven inches of snow in Maine.
    In 1988 Strong southerly winds ahead of a cold front in the
            central U.S. gusted to 70 mph at Indianapolis IN.
            The high winds toppled a masonary wall, killing a
            construction worker.  Low pressure and a trailing
            cold front brought rain and snow and high winds to the
            western U.S.  Winds gusted to 90 mph at the Callahan
            Ranch south of Reno NV.  Soda Springs, in the Sierra
            Nevada Range of California, received 17 inches of snow in
            less than 24 hours.
    In 1989 Brutal northwest winds ushered bitter cold arctic air
            into the north central U.S.  International Falls MN
            and Warroad MN tied for honors as the cold spot in
            the nation with morning lows of 34 degrees below zero.
            Minot ND reported a wind chill reading of 81 degrees
            below zero.  Squalls produced more heavy snow in the
            Great Lakes Region.  Erie PA received 21 inches of snow,
            including four inches in one hour, to bring their total
            snow cover to 39 inches, an all-time record for that
    In 2013 (20th-22nd) A large storm system brought a wide variety
            of weather from the Southern Plains, north through the
            Midwest, east through the Mississippi, Tennessee, and
            Ohio Valleys, and into the northeast and southeast U.S.
            On the north end of the storm, widespread freezing rain,
            sleet, and snow, caused numerous power outages, and icy
            roads. On the south side of the storm, severe weather was
            the rule, with widespread flooding rain, damaging winds,
            and tornadoes.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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