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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   December 17, 2015
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Thursday  December 17, 2015.
 This is the 351st day of the year, there are 14 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1884 A three week blockade of snow began at Portland OR.
            A record December total of 34 inches was received.
            A severe icestorm struck central Illinois.  It coated the
            ground with nearly two inches of glaze at Springfield.
            The storm caused 21 million dollars damage along with
            much hardship.  Ice was on the trees until the 4th of
            January, and electricity was not restored until January
    In 1929 An icestorm in western New York State resulted in much
            damage and hardship.  A Buffalo report stated, "one was
            kept awake by the breaking limbs, which snapped off with
            a report much louder than a rifle shot." (17th-18th)
    In 1945 (17th-18th) A typhoon in the Philippine Sea devastated
            Task Force 38 of the US 3rd Fleet. 3 destroyers sank, and
            146 aircraft were destroyed.
    In 1987 A storm in the southwestern U.S. brought heavy rain
            and heavy snow to parts of California, Nevada, Arizona,
            Utah and New Mexico.  Charleston NV was blanketed with 12
            inches of snow.  Lake Havasu City AZ was drenched with
            2.26 inches of rain.
    In 1988 Squalls brought locally heavy snow to the southeastern
            shores of Lake Michigan.  Totals in Michigan ranged up to
            14 inches at Harvey.  Totals in Ohio ranged up to
            16 inches at Chardon.
    In 1989 Twenty-one cities from Kentucky to Pennsylvania reported
            record low temperatures for the date, including Columbus
            OH with a reading of 12 degrees below zero.  Heavy snow
            continued in the Colorado Rockies.  Vail received 65
            inches of snow between the 14th and the 18th of December.
            Steamboat Springs was buried under 74 inches, and
            reported a total of 108 inches of snow between the 10th
            and the 18th of the month.
    In 2001 Two inches of snow fell in the higher elevations of
            Maunea Kea, Hawaii.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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