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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   December 15, 2015
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Tuesday  December 15, 2015.
 This is the 349th day of the year, there are 16 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1839 The first of triple storms hit Massachusetts Bay.  The
            storm produced whole gales, and more than 20 inches of
            snow in interior New England.  There was great loss of
            life at Gloucester MA.
    In 1901 An intense cold front swept across the eastern U.S.
            It produced heavy rain in Louisiana, and heavy snow
            in the northeastern U.S.
    In 1945 A record December snowstorm buried Buffalo NY under 36.6
            inches of snow, with unofficial totals south of the city
            ranging up to 70 inches.  Travel was brought to a halt by
            the storm.  (14th-17th)
    In 1987 A major winter storm hit the Great Lakes Region,
            intensifying explosively as it crossed northern Illinois.
            High winds and heavy snow created blizzard conditions in
            southeastern Wisconsin.  Winds gusted to 73 mph, and
            snowfall totals ranged up to 17 inches at LaFarge.  The
            barometric pressure at Chicago IL dropped three quarters
            of an inch in six hours to 28.96 inches, a record low
            reading for December.  Up to a foot of snow blanketed
            northern Illinois, and winds in the Chicago area gusted
            to 75 mph.  O'Hare Airport in Chicago was closed for
            several hours, for only the fourth time in twenty years.
            High winds derailed train cars at Avon IN.  Light winds
            and partly sunny skies were reported near the center of
            the storm, a feature typical of tropical storms.
    In 1988 High pressure in the Pacific Northwest and low pressure
            in the southwestern U.S. combined to produced high winds
            from Utah to California.  Winds gusting to 70 mph in the
            San Francisco area left nearly 300,000 residents without
            electricity.  Winds in Utah gusted to 105 mph at
    In 1989 A couple of low pressure systems spread heavy snow across
            the northeastern U.S.  Up to two feet of snow was
            reported along Lake Erie in northeastern Ohio, and up to
            ten inches was reported in Connecticut.  Heavy snow
            squalls developed over Michigan for the third day in a
            row.  Three Oaks MI reported 25 inches of snow in two
            days.  Twenty-six cities in the north central U.S.
            reported record low temperatures for the date.  The low
            of 10 degrees below zero at Wichita KS was a December
            record for that location.
    In 2001 (15th-16th) Torrential thunderstorm rains brought severe
            flooding to Arkansas and surrounding states. River Flood
            Warnings were issued for many rivers across the state;
            some rivers experienced their worst flooding in 40 years.
            Storm totals ranged from around an inch in southeast
            Arkansas (which had severe flooding just weeks earlier),
            to over 7 inches of rain in portions of north and west

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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