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Message   Daryl Stout    All Users   Todays Weather History   December 8, 2015
 12:09 AM *  

 TODAY  Version 3.7   06/24/94       Copyright 1986, 1994  By Patrick Kincaid

 Today is Tuesday  December 8, 2015.
 This is the 342nd day of the year, there are 23 days left.

 On this day...
    Weather data after 1990 is PARTIAL. For more current
    weather history, go to the National Climate Data Center
    website at
    In 1892 A tremendous ice fall occurred at Gay Hill TX.
            Ice averaged four to six inches in diameter.
    In 1938 The temperature at La Mesa CA soared to 108 degrees to
            establish a U.S. record for the month of December.
    In 1963 Lightning caused the crash of a jet airliner killing
            81 persons at Elkton MD.
    In 1987 A cold front crossing the northwestern U.S. continued to
            produce high winds along the coast, and heavy snow
            blanketed parts of the western U.S.  Snowfall totals in
            the mountains of western Nevada ranged up to 18 inches at
            Heavenly Valley and near the Boreal Ski Resort, and winds
            at Reno NV gusted to 56 mph.  Thunderstorms over southern
            Florida deluged the Florida Keys with up to five inches
            of rain.  Strong winds, gusting to 48 mph at Gage OK,
            ushered wintry weather into the Central High Plains.
            Goodland KS, which one day earlier was 63 degrees, was
            blanketed with two inches of snow.
    In 1988 Santa Ana winds buffeted southern California, with gusts
            to 92 mph reported at Laguna Peak.  The high winds
            unroofed buildings, and downed trees and power lines,
            igniting five major fires, and numerous smaller ones.
            Damage was estimated at 15 to 20 million dollars.
    In 1989 A winter storm spread snow and freezing rain across much
            of the Atlantic Coast Region, from Georgia to New Jersey.
            Snowfall totals ranged up to seven inches, at Stanton VA
            and Tobacco MD.  Up to six inches of snow  blanketed the
            mountains of northern Georgia.  More than one hundred
            auto accidents were reported in Gwinnett County GA.
    In 2002 Super Typhoon Pongsona hit Guam in the western Pacific,
            with 180 mph winds. 1700 building were destroyed, and over
            2000 more buildings were damaged.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (1:19/33.0)
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